Background & Origin
Kunzea ambigua is a plant native to North-East New South Wales. It is also known as the “Tick Bush”, suggesting that it traditionally had a role in anti-tick activity. It has a unique combination of menthol, lemon and earthy aromas, which is similar to the myrtles but also reminiscent of pine trees, owing to its very high levels of pinene (Fuller, 2019).
Kunzea oil has been recognize by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration for topical applications. It is currently used to relieve tiredness and stimulate the mind during aromatherapy, as a topical antiseptic, and shows promise for skin prone to dryness, irritation and redness (Shortt et al., 2022; Thomas, 2015).
For Normal, dry & combination skin, except for those with allergies to Kunzea and pine extracts.
Uses in our products
Firming, toning, smoothing, freshening, reviving.